Yolanthe: ‘Hij stond daar, zijn kleine handje op de kist, tranen over zijn wangen’
Yolanthe Cabau woont met zoon Xess (9) in Los Angeles. In deze column deelt ze haar ervaringen als single moeder en carrièrevrouw.
Sommige tweets van ouders zijn zo herkenbaar – en te grappig. Buzzfeed zette de leukste van het jaar 2018 op een rij.
Left my kids alone in the bathtub for literally 30 seconds only to find one of them eating out of the garbage can and the other eating out of the toilet.
— Jonesy the Canuck ?? (@Jonesy_donkey) November 24, 2018
Me: Did you miss me while you were at Grandma’s house?
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) November 5, 2018
6-year-old: She let us make cookies.
Me: I missed you.
6: We ate them for breakfast.
So that’s a no.
One of the great things about having kids is that even if you completely forget to set your alarm, they will guarantee that you never, ever oversleep.
— Goldfish and Chicken Nuggets ????? (@gfishandnuggets) October 26, 2018
Me: Remember where you put your socks that you were just wearing?
— Shaun (@Shaundsmith80) November 27, 2018
5yo: No, but remember 3 years ago when you told me I could have a puppy when I turn 10?
First time parent: “I really don’t like when you do that.”
— Doc Octopussy ? (@colleendespina) November 5, 2018
Second time parent: “YOU’RE BEING A DICK.”
Wife: we only have 30 minutes before the kids wake up.
— Oops!…I Dad It Again (@NewDadNotes) November 27, 2018
Me: [blushes] I wonder what we could do that takes 30 minutes or less.
Wife: pizza?
Me: [nods] pizza.
Me: I’m only going to ask you to clean this mess up ONE more time.
— Mommy Owl (@Lhlodder) October 6, 2018
6-year-old: That’s good. I was tired of hearing you ask.
My kid can tell me all about a 24 minute episode of Paw Patrol in 76 minutes.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) March 20, 2018
The recipe for disaster:
— Mommy Cusses (@mommy_cusses) January 23, 2018
1) Have kids
Dinner is a great time for my family to come together to tell each other exactly what is wrong with the meal I made.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) March 20, 2018
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