Yolanthe: ‘Hij stond daar, zijn kleine handje op de kist, tranen over zijn wangen’
Yolanthe Cabau woont met zoon Xess (9) in Los Angeles. In deze column deelt ze haar ervaringen als single moeder en carrièrevrouw.
Kinderen (bijna) in bed? Installeer jezelf op de bank met een deken en een kop thee en lees deze hilarische, doch herkenbare tweets van vaders. En niet te hard lachen, voordat je kind weer beneden staat.
Priest: What’s inside you eventually comes out.
— James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn) September 2, 2018
6-year-old: *whispering in my ear* He’s talking about poop.
Nothing is worse than reading your kid a bedtime story and flipping to a page with a bunch of words.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) September 3, 2018
I played hide-n-seek with my daughters, but they never came to look for me. I gave up when my legs fell asleep from kneeling in a corner.
— La Guardia Cross (@LaGuardiaCross) August 27, 2018
No you didn’t, I quit.
son: Where’s mom? I need her to sign my permission slip
— Josh (@iwearaonesie) September 10, 2018
me: I can do it
son: My teacher said it has to be an adult
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Ouders delen geniale ‘parenting hacks’ op Twitter >
I spray deodorant on my 12yo son while he’s sleeping. You’re welcome.
— Abe Yospe (@Cheeseboy22) September 10, 2018
My son started school today. I’m excited to meet all the new illnesses he’ll be bringing home this fall.
— Dad and Buried (@DadandBuried) September 5, 2018
The cheapest theme park for four year olds is to take them through a car wash.
— dadpression (@Dadpression) July 28, 2018
My kids are watching videos of other people playing video games.
— Rodney Lacroix (@moooooog35) June 13, 2018
What a time to be alive.
I have a sleeping disorder. It’s called “This is the only time I get to myself.”
— The Real American Dadass (@R_A_Dadass) April 22, 2018
There should be more parenting books on ways to play with your children while you’re lying on the couch.
— mark (@TheCatWhisprer) September 3, 2018
[Explaining my fantasy football draft]
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) August 29, 2018
Is this boring you?
Daughter: yes
Me: This is how I feel when you tell me about a video on Youtube.