Yolanthe: ‘Hij stond daar, zijn kleine handje op de kist, tranen over zijn wangen’
Yolanthe Cabau woont met zoon Xess (9) in Los Angeles. In deze column deelt ze haar ervaringen als single moeder en carrièrevrouw.
Dat kinderen soms nogal eh… apart uit de hoek kunnen komen, bewijzen deze foto’s van Buzzfeed. Wij pikken er een aantal uit: lees en geniet, want hilarisch is het wel.
My son had his fish tank removed from his room every time he got dressed because he needed privacy. #mykidisweird
— Elizabeth (@busy_lizz) 30 maart 2016
My son got mad at me yesterday and opened all the bananas in the house. What type of passive aggressive monster… pic.twitter.com/4p2Ucqh9NF
— Victor Pope Jr (@VictorPopeJr) March 9, 2016
Lees ook:
Fotoserie: Deze kinderen hebben spijt >
My toddler wanted to eat his lunch like a dog outta a bowl, demanding I pet him and call him “Jacko” the dog#mykidisaweirdo, #momoftheyear
— t… (@happysoulproj) May 9, 2014
Yup. That’s what my toddlers teeth look like.#LockUpTheKitchen #IHaveToddlers #parenthood #MyKidIsWeird pic.twitter.com/U9vCaOpHdG
— Tomica Neal (@tomica_neal) April 23, 2016
After she finished going potty, I heard my daughter say from the bathroom: “Nailed it!” #MyKidIsWeird
— Dugan Sherbondy (@dugansherbondy) March 31, 2016
One of the kids in my class came out of the bathroom and quietly said to himself.. “Well that hurt…” #MyKidIsWeird
— Faceless Ukulele (@facelessukulele) March 31, 2016
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