‘”Je gaat je kind toch niet echt zo noemen?” Vroeg mijn moeder geschrokken’
Ziggy kiest voor een unieke babynaam voor haar dochter, geïnspireerd door een bekende actrice. Haar moeder vreest echter dat deze keuze tot pesterijen zal leiden.
Kinderen vertellen soms de meest vreemde, hilarische en gênante dingen. Probeer dan maar eens serieus te blijven. Deze uitspraken van kinderen zijn te grappig om niet te delen.
Hoe kómen ze erop?
Parenting Fail. After 4yr old’s epic meltdown over toast cut the “wrong” way. Me: whispering under my breath with my back turned.. “ohhh I’m so fucking tired” 4yr old: “well I’m fucking tired too mummy”
— Ruth Brooker (@erbrooker) February 15, 2022
Today my 3 year old niece cried because she remembered she hit her leg somewhere 3 days ago. She said she forgot to cry about her leg that day.
— a plate of bamya (@NourAbadiii) March 30, 2021
Just heard my 4 year old say “it’s time to milk the farm dog” and my 2 yo squeal “YEAH” and I better go see what they’re doing
— Salad Rater (@RateMySalad) February 5, 2022
4: Mom, how long was dad inside you? Me: 4: Mom??? Me: What the f- 4: Well??? How long was he inside you before you had him? Me: Oh honey no I didn’t birth your dad, grandma did!
— That Mom Tho (@mom_tho) September 5, 2020
Lees ook Lachen, gieren, brullen: 13 hilarische (en eerlijke) uitspraken van kinderen >
my daughter asked why she can’t just quit school and i told her it’s against the law and they’ll put me in jail and my sweet sweet child looked me in the eye and said “i’ll visit you”
— ceciATL (@CeciATL) January 28, 2021
Hats off to the waiter that kept a straight face as my 5yo ordered the vagina for lunch instead of the lasagna.
— Professional Worrier (@pro_worrier_) June 22, 2021
5yo asked me to go find something downstairs. I couldn’t find it. 5yo: “I’ve got an idea. This time, go back downstairs and try your best”.
— Adam B. Hill, M.D. (@Adamhill1212) June 25, 2021
(4yo daughter is crying her eyes out) Me: “What’s wrong, tutu?” 4yo (moving her hands on the sofa): “If my fingers were markers they would ruin the sofa!” Me: “But your fingers…are not…markers?” 4yo (peak distress): “I said IF!”
— Tomer Ullman (@TomerUllman) July 31, 2020
Bron: BuzzFeed“Dad isn’t it weird that the word chicken can mean an animal or a type of food?” – my kid, on the verge of making a horrific realization
— Average Dad (@Average_Dad1) March 29, 2021
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