Yolanthe: ‘Hij stond daar, zijn kleine handje op de kist, tranen over zijn wangen’
Yolanthe Cabau woont met zoon Xess (9) in Los Angeles. In deze column deelt ze haar ervaringen als single moeder en carrièrevrouw.
Onlangs plaatsten we een fotoserie van grootouders die wel heel jong van geest zijn, maar andersom kunnen kinderen er ook wat van. Bekijk dit lijstje vol jonge ‘oude zielen’ maar.
A mom brought her young son into the Macy’s dressing room, and he’s saying things like “Not your best look” and “It makes you lumpy right there,” and I want to ask his opinion about these pants.
— Elizabeth Hackett (@LizHackett) February 25, 2018
[kids playing cards]
— James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn) March 25, 2017
Me: What game are you playing?
6-year-old: War.
Me: Who’s winning?
6: Nobody wins.
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8x hét bewijs dat kinderen veel slimmer zijn dan wij >
A 3 year old just looked me in the eye and said “get me a la croix or get out of my life” and I was like, damn queen ok
— Ash (an female) (@adult_mom) March 19, 2018
My 5 year old niece saw the blue deer on my shirt and was like “awww it’s a boy deer!” I took the opportunity to be like “Or it can be a girl deer! Girls like blue too, Olivia”
— Kung Fu Kassy (@Kassyworms) May 25, 2018
She stared at me and was like “I said it’s a boy because it has antlers.” Take my degree away now.
My daughter actually submitted this feedback at school. Not sure if I should ground her or buy her ice cream… pic.twitter.com/4v8Gjb9riv
— Mason Cross (@MasonCrossBooks) May 25, 2017
Bron: Buzzfeed