Yolanthe: ‘Hij stond daar, zijn kleine handje op de kist, tranen over zijn wangen’
Yolanthe Cabau woont met zoon Xess (9) in Los Angeles. In deze column deelt ze haar ervaringen als single moeder en carrièrevrouw.
Wanneer je jezelf midden in de nacht op de bank jezelf overgeeft aan je cravings, terwijl je enkels gezwollen zijn en die baby in jou je ribben gebruikt als boksbal, bedenk dan één ding: je bent niet alleen. Dat blijkt wel uit deze hilarische tweets.
4-yr-old saw picture of me pregnant.
— Zoe vs. the Universe (@zoevsuniverse) July 21, 2014
I explain that she was inside me. She thought for a bit then said:
“I never want to do that again.”
Does the baby have access to my ribs? It feels like they’re bars and she’s an old timey prisoner with a tin mug
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) February 19, 2016
7-year-old upon learning I am pregnant: “It’s the breastfeeding that will get ya. Breastfeeding is killer.”
— Rachel Held Evans (@rachelheldevans) October 21, 2015
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Screaming out “BOOM PREGNANT!” during sex is never as funny as you think it will be.
— The Alicianater (@leechee420) February 14, 2013
Grocery store cashier: “Having a party tonight?” Me: “Nope, just pregnant.”
— Jill Krause (@babyrabies) October 23, 2016
me: i’m salty
— discourse wallah (@krutika) April 14, 2016
me when i’m pregnant: i’m being salty for two
5 Stages of Pregnancy:
— Sufficient Charm (@SufficientCharm) April 24, 2017
1: Crying
2: Peeing
3: Crying because you peed
4: Peeing because you’re crying
5: The toilet is your home now
Yelp review for pregnancy:
— Sweatpants Cher ? (@House_Feminist) April 8, 2017
1/5 stars
Took way too long
Super uncomfortable & crowded
Aesthetically just very bad
No alcohol
Some days I want to time travel back to pregnant me and whisper, “Go take a nap. This is your last chance!”
— MyQuestionableLife (@2questionable) January 19, 2017
Pregnancy test commercials would be a lot more relatable if the women in them cursed and cried.
— αlly (@ToonieLane) August 15, 2013