Lief: deze pasgeboren tweeling houdt meteen elkaars hand vast na de bevalling

tweeling houdt hand vast Beeld: Shutterstock
Tessa Heinhuis
Tessa Heinhuis
Leestijd: 2 minuten

De meeste tweelingen hebben een bijzondere band, en dat geldt ook voor deze pasgeboren tweeling – dat blijkt wel uit deze video die het internet overvliegt.

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Ze proberen namelijk elkaars handjes vast te houden.

Moeder Celi deelt de bijzondere video van haar tweeling op social media en inmiddels is-ie al door duizenden mensen bekeken. 


(For licensing and usage, contact : 06/01/18 Our babies where born ❤️? Sister reaching over for her sisters hand ?? • • Friday 6/01/18 12:45PM I was finishing my quick arm workout at the gym ?. 2:00PM Doctors appointment to check the babies growth ??‍⚕️. 4:00PM Per Doctor I am being admitted into the hospital since I am already dilated & my water could break at any second The doctor had felt one of the babies foot during my exam ?. I wasn’t allowed to go home or to get anything else or eat/drink anything from this point on. 4:30PM I call the hubby letting him know the babies will be arriving tonight ?. 5:00-8:00pm Time is flying, I am being monitored for contractions, I am calling my parents & asking the nurse 100 questions. 8:00PM I meet the doctors & the team that will be delivering the babies. 9:00pm Babies are here ? • • Everything turned out great, babies came out healthy, as crazy as all of this was I remained calm through the entire process & was never in any severe pain. I believe everything happens for a reason and everything just fell into place. Even though this wasn’t my original birth plan, I am thankful for how things turned out ?❤️ #usmcbaby #sandiegotwins #twinbirth #twinbelly #twincsection #twinmomlife #moditwins #twinsholdinghands #moditwinpregnancy #twinbellybump #identicalbabies #identicalsisters

Een bericht gedeeld door Celibreezy_prego | Twinmom (@fitbreezylife) op



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