Dit is de beste leeftijd om zwanger te worden
We hebben het allemaal wel eens gehoord: ‘De biologische klok tikt!’ Maar is er écht een beste leeftijd om zwanger te worden?
Soms ben jíj het probleem niet, maar vinden je kinderen de banaan die je ze geeft gewoon te klein. Of willen een chocoladereep als ontbijt. Dus.
Causes of 3-year-old’s meltdowns this morning:
— Tom Gatti (@Tom_Gatti) April 2, 2019
-Banana too small
-Top of banana slightly squashed
-Honey on porridge doesn’t sufficiently resemble “a swimming pool”
-Sister had her 1st wee before his 3rd
-Doesn’t want scooter
-Does want scooter
-Something to do with sleeves
Wanted to put her own clothes away
— Gary A Husband ?️? (@garyhusband) April 2, 2019
Wanted to get her own clothes out
Wanted chocolate for breakfast
Didn’t want to go to nursery
Wanted to drive herself to nursery
Annoyed at dog for being too waggy
Wrong music on in car.
Baby shark finally brought a smile#3yearolds
Oh yes, bananas can cause so much upset. If they have any brown bits on them you have to call it a day. Brown bits spell trouble.
— Sophie Roberts (@SophieHenRob) April 2, 2019
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‘Zie je dat een kind een driftbui heeft? Doe dit dan vooral niet’ >
This is funny.
— Dafydd Rhys Bowen (@dafbow) April 2, 2019
Mine had a meltdown when I opened his little cereal bar and, brace yourself this is horrible, PUSHED IT OUT TO MAKE IT EASIER TO HOLD AND EAT. Cue meltdown. The worse thing was the withering look and tut from his mother “he likes to push it out himself.” ?
My 3YO this morning:
— Donna Patane (@DonnaPatane5) April 2, 2019
– I put tomato sauce on the plate before her egg (then washed it off)
– I put tomato sauce ON the egg instead of BESIDE it
– I left to get the baby she woke
– the baby looked at her #fml #parenting
At 18mo my daughter developed a hatred for ALL buttons on clothes. And if the buttons were merely decorative, all hell was released. Fun times…??
— Emily Ruston (@MrsRuston) April 2, 2019
causes of 12-year-old’s meltdowns this morning:
— Gaylene Parish #bitchesagainstbrexit (@gaylesp) April 2, 2019
having to get out of bed
having to go to school
having failed to do history homework last night
not able to find pencil case
all of the above being the fault of her mother
Bron: Scary Mommy