Dit is de beste leeftijd om zwanger te worden
We hebben het allemaal wel eens gehoord: ‘De biologische klok tikt!’ Maar is er écht een beste leeftijd om zwanger te worden?
Spatten de vonken er vanaf toen je nog geen kinderen had en ben je nu al blij als je tijd hebt voor een vluggertje? Lees deze hilarische tweets van ouders over hoe hun sexleven veranderde nadat ze kinderen kregen.
Marriage 1st Year.
— Momarazzi. (@Mirimade) September 6, 2018
Husband: Hey, beautiful, I’ve got candles lit and sexy music, ready for a night of romance?
Me: *blushes*
Marriage 6th Year:
Husband: The kids are asleep, wanna have sex real quick?
Me: I literally just poured the milk on my cereal.
Bite marks on your thighs in your 20’s- You have an exciting sex life
— Anecdotal Birthcontrol (@PedersenAhmed) September 19, 2018
Bite marks on your thighs in your 30’s- You have a teething toddler with poor impulse control
After spending a weekend apart:
— Snarky Mommy (@SnarkyMommy78) July 22, 2018
when first dating: clothes come off to have sex
when married with kids: clothes come off to get a head start on laundry
Things I can find in my bed after having kids:
— Accidental Super Mom (@AcciSuperMom) March 6, 2019
A Barbie
French Fries
Bicycle Helmet
Things I can’t find in my bed after having kids:
Full Night of Sleep
My Sex Drive
Lees ook:
Zo zakt je seksleven niet in als je kinderen krijgt >
Husband and I just burped at exactly the same time and it’s the closest we’ve come to having sex this week.
— Valerie (@ValeeGrrl) November 2, 2017
“We’ll have morning sex again!” is the married with children version of “I’m gonna be an astronaut when I grow up!”
— WTFDAD (@daddydoubts) November 29, 2018
Family vacations are great if you ignore all the money you spend and sex you don’t have.
— S A R A B U C K L E Y (@nottheworstmom) June 10, 2018
Your sex life as a parent basically becomes “Fifty Shades of Pray Those Kids Stay Asleep.”
— A Bearer Of Dad News (@HomeWithPeanut) August 29, 2018
Mission Impossible 7: Parent Sex
— WTFDAD (@daddydoubts) March 4, 2019
Bron: Buzzfeed
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