Dit is de beste leeftijd om zwanger te worden
We hebben het allemaal wel eens gehoord: ‘De biologische klok tikt!’ Maar is er écht een beste leeftijd om zwanger te worden?
Van een prachtige jurk en ‘de kus’ tot de openingsdans bij sfeerlicht: een huwelijk is één en al romantiek. Tot je ’s nachts over de drempel wordt getild – dan begint het echte leven vol gesnurk en rondslingerende sokken weer.
Althans, dat was wel het geval bij de stellen uit onderstaande tweets.
ENGAGED: Netflix & Chill
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) January 25, 2021
Wife: is that what you’re wearing?
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) January 11, 2021
Me: I guess not.
Overheard my 7 year old daughter say, “That doesn’t go there” to my husband while loading the dishwasher and I’ve never been more proud.
— ThisOneSays (@ThisOneSayz) January 25, 2021
Me and my husband pass candies to each other like drug dealers so our kids don’t see
— Marcy G (@BunAndLeggings) January 13, 2021
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Oeh la la: 7x mooie lingerie >
She’ll fart in the grocery store and leave me to accept the blame, THAT’S my wife
— Crac⚡ked (@a_simpl_man) January 20, 2021
Marriage teaches you a lot about yourself. For instance, I’ve learned that I don’t need to use so many paper towels, and they’re expensive.
— Pete Lynch (@PJTLynch) March 25, 2013
Most of marriage is wondering how you can love someone so fiercely who chews so loudly.
— Amy Flory (@FunnyIsFamily) May 19, 2017
In marriage, there are two conversations:
— Scary Mommy (@ScaryMommy) July 15, 2017
The one you think you’re having and the one your husband hears.
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Deze tweets bewijzen dat peuters een behoorlijk zwaar leven hebben >
Newlyweds: “I love resting my head on your chest and hearing your heart beat as I drift off to sleep.”
— SpacedMom (@copymama) April 17, 2018
Married 15 years: “I recorded you snoring so you can hear how fucking loud it is.”
Get ready for marriage by asking your girlfriend/boyfriend to make you a fruit smoothie, then get mad that you can’t hear the TV while they’re making you a fruit smoothie.
— eric (@ericsshadow) February 25, 2018
[Texts husband from bed]
— Kate Hall (@KateWhineHall) April 11, 2016
Could you bring me some coffee?
Before you marry someone, sit next to them on the couch and try to watch your favorite show while they eat a bowl of cereal.
— Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer) February 26, 2018
If you still want to marry that slurping animal, congratulations- you have found your person.
The best thing you can do for your marriage is sleep with separate comforters.
— not the WORST mom ??♀️ (@nottheworstmom) March 9, 2018