![Kinderen luisteren nooit](https://img.kekmama.nl/w480/h480/d480/scalefit/kekmama/2025/02/liefdestalen-1.png)
Kinderen met deze sterrenbeelden luisteren vrijwel nooit
Als ouder heb je vast wel eens het gevoel dat je woorden het ene oor in en het andere oor uit gaan bij je kind. Maar wist je dat de sterren misschien een handje meehelpen?
Van een prachtige jurk en ‘de kus’ tot de openingsdans bij sfeerlicht: een huwelijk is één en al romantiek. Tot je ’s nachts over de drempel wordt getild – dan begint het echte leven vol gesnurk en rondslingerende sokken weer.
Althans, dat was wel het geval bij de stellen uit onderstaande tweets.
ENGAGED: Netflix & Chill
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) January 25, 2021
Wife: is that what you’re wearing?
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) January 11, 2021
Me: I guess not.
Overheard my 7 year old daughter say, “That doesn’t go there” to my husband while loading the dishwasher and I’ve never been more proud.
— ThisOneSays (@ThisOneSayz) January 25, 2021
Me and my husband pass candies to each other like drug dealers so our kids don’t see
— Marcy G (@BunAndLeggings) January 13, 2021
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Oeh la la: 7x mooie lingerie >
She’ll fart in the grocery store and leave me to accept the blame, THAT’S my wife
— Crac⚡ked (@a_simpl_man) January 20, 2021
Marriage teaches you a lot about yourself. For instance, I’ve learned that I don’t need to use so many paper towels, and they’re expensive.
— Pete Lynch (@PJTLynch) March 25, 2013
Most of marriage is wondering how you can love someone so fiercely who chews so loudly.
— Amy Flory (@FunnyIsFamily) May 19, 2017
In marriage, there are two conversations:
— Scary Mommy (@ScaryMommy) July 15, 2017
The one you think you’re having and the one your husband hears.
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Deze tweets bewijzen dat peuters een behoorlijk zwaar leven hebben >
Newlyweds: “I love resting my head on your chest and hearing your heart beat as I drift off to sleep.”
— SpacedMom (@copymama) April 17, 2018
Married 15 years: “I recorded you snoring so you can hear how fucking loud it is.”
Get ready for marriage by asking your girlfriend/boyfriend to make you a fruit smoothie, then get mad that you can’t hear the TV while they’re making you a fruit smoothie.
— eric (@ericsshadow) February 25, 2018
[Texts husband from bed]
— Kate Hall (@KateWhineHall) April 11, 2016
Could you bring me some coffee?
Before you marry someone, sit next to them on the couch and try to watch your favorite show while they eat a bowl of cereal.
— Lady Lawya (@Parkerlawyer) February 26, 2018
If you still want to marry that slurping animal, congratulations- you have found your person.
The best thing you can do for your marriage is sleep with separate comforters.
— not the WORST mom ??♀️ (@nottheworstmom) March 9, 2018