Dit is de beste leeftijd om zwanger te worden
We hebben het allemaal wel eens gehoord: ‘De biologische klok tikt!’ Maar is er écht een beste leeftijd om zwanger te worden?
Laten we er geen doekjes om winden: zodra je nachtrust (op z’n minst) gehalveerd wordt en een dag vooral bestaat uit poepluiers verschonen en melkvlekken uit kleding wassen, verandert je seksleven drastisch. Balen, maar dan kun je er maar beter om lachen.
Your sex life as a parent basically becomes “Fifty Shades of Pray Those Kids Stay Asleep.”
— A Bearer Of Dad News (@HomeWithPeanut) August 29, 2018
If your sexytime music is cartoons playing loudly outside your locked door, you might be a parent.
— Snarky Breeders (@snarkybreeders) July 30, 2018
Me: Do that thing I like
— Ramblin Mama (@ramblinma) September 9, 2018
Husband: [takes the kids and leaves]
Lees ook
Waarom je seksleven verbetert als je partner meehelpt in het huishouden >
Being married with children is like being a teenager again. You can only have sex if you sneak around and don’t get caught.
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) May 9, 2013
Be sure to keep the spark alive by texting him sexy little nothings like,
— MyMomologue (@MyMomologue) August 10, 2016
“We need to check the kids for lice” and “please buy tampons”.
Having sex when you’re a parent is like trying to shoot from half court with 3 seconds left on the clock.
— Anna Grace (@graceupongracie) March 22, 2016
Him: What are you wearing?
— Crystal Lowery Comedian (@Crystalllowery) November 18, 2018
Me: Medical-grade hospital socks with anti-slip technology.
Initiating sex before kids:
— Dennis DiClaudio (@dennisdiclaudio) December 1, 2018
“Hey, you look nice…”
Initiating sex after kids:
“How tired are you?”
Husband walking around in a towel…I swear if our son was sleeping and I wasn’t so tired and…who am I kidding..#nosexlife #babysonogravy
— Pandora Paton (@pandora_paton) May 29, 2017
Bron: BuzzFeed
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