Dit is de beste leeftijd om zwanger te worden
We hebben het allemaal wel eens gehoord: ‘De biologische klok tikt!’ Maar is er écht een beste leeftijd om zwanger te worden?
Voetbal, judo, ballet: vlieg jij ook altijd van hot naar her voor de sportclub(s) van je kind? Dan zijn de frustraties en grappige momenten van deze ouders ongetwijfeld héél herkenbaar.
Gedeelde smart is halve smart, toch?
People who eat dinner at 4:30PM:
— Kim Bongiorno (@LetMeStart) August 1, 2019
• the elderly
• families with kids who play sports because of course all practices and games for all the kids always fall on the same nights at overlapping times in various locations all around town
Having kids involved in sports is fun if you like coming home & making dinner at 10pm.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) April 27, 2018
My kid has an 8am game. Gotta be there at 7. Gotta leave by 6:15. Gotta be up at 5:15. On a Saturday. Put them in sports they said. You’ll love it they said. pic.twitter.com/WyXSW1I9bB
— #WeBackInside (@ReaganGomez) March 31, 2018
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Sportclubjes gedoe: ‘En ik maar elke week het hele land doorrijden voor uit- en thuiswedstrijden’ >
Let’s get married and have kids so instead of a lazy Saturday morning we can panic because a sports uniform didn’t get put in the dryer.
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) February 16, 2019
I wish I had the confidence of a parent who has never played the sport yelling coaching advice to their child from the sidelines.
— Jessie (@mommajessiec) July 20, 2021
After having children, 80% of marriage is just negotiating who’s dropping off which kid at which sport.
— Stabbatha Christy (@LoveNLunchmeat) May 6, 2018
What position is it in soccer where my kid tries to find a four leaf clover?
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) May 1, 2018
Bron: Huffington Post
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