Prachtig: moeder durft zichzelf bloot te geven op Instagram

Illustratie bij: Prachtig: moeder durft zichzelf bloot te geven op Instagram
Redactie Kek Mama
Redactie Kek Mama
Leestijd: 4 minuten

De Australische blogger Haddas Ancliffe deelde eerder al een foto van haarzelf terwijl ze borstvoeding gaf aan haar zoontje op een bruiloft. Maar naast die foto staat haar Instagrampagina ook nog eens vol met mooie en inspirerende foto’s van haar moederlichaam. En ze durft zichzelf volledig bloot te geven.

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Haddas schrijft: ‘je stopt niet met er mooi uitzien wanneer je kinderen hebt, je lijkt alleen anders dan voordat je kinderen had. Als je lichaam er niet meer uitziet als dat van een bikinimodel omdat je kinderen hebt gekregen, wees dan trots op jezelf!’

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Daaronder vervolgt ze: ‘je kind denkt al dat jij de mooiste persoon op de hele wereld bent en dat is het enige wat telt. #moederschap’.

En daar kunnen wij ons alleen maar bij aansluiten.


#mombod ✊ Images of young women in bikinis flood our Instagram feeds daily. Sexual, near naked, provocative pictures that get a lot of attention and make other women who don’t look the same feel inadequate. Well here’s a different kind of provocative image for your feed. An image that says, my body is stretched, sagging and uneven but I’m still attractive. You don’t stop looking good in a bikini once you have kids, you just look like a different kind of good. When your body no longer looks like the Instagram bikini model and you have a mom bod, be proud! Put on your bikini and belly chain, do your best Kylie Jenner in the pool pose and be proud that your child thinks you’re the most beautiful person in the world… That’s all that matters anyway. #motherhood

Een foto die is geplaatst door Haddas Ancliffe (@dahs) op


Here’s an image that might make people uncomfortable! When I shopped for this particular bikini one of the sales ladies told me that I needed to start drinking soy milk and recommended some cream to tighten the skin on my tummy. Now I know she was just being kind and thought she was being helpful but the whole idea that someone offering me ways to change myself could be a kind gesture, really annoys me. First of all – I don’t have a problem with my saggy tummy. Second of all – no body else should have a problem with my saggy tummy Today I went to the beach with a mommy friend of mine and we talked about our stretch marks and imbalanced breasts and all the rest of that body changing goodness, and she mentioned to me that one day we had spent together I had worn a crop top and so she felt confident to start wearing them (it’s also waaaay easier to breastfeed in them). That to me was an amazing thing! So starting now, I’m going to post lots of saggy, stretchy tummy pictures, in hopes that in some way it would make it easier for others to feel comfortable in their skin ✌️ Een foto die is geplaatst door Haddas Ancliffe (@dahs) op


I have bad days you know… Days where I look at myself and think, I’ll never look like girls on Instagram in their calvins with amazing figures and smooth flat tummies. But I don’t have days anymore where I want to tear off my skin or cry at my reflection. Gone are the days where I’d refuse to go out if I thought I looked bad or get mad at anyone who would compliment me. NOW most of my days I look at myself and I’m happy. My body isn’t where I’d like it to be health/strength wise, my skin sees pimples daily and my hair is mostly in a frizzy bun but I’m beautiful none the less! I’m one of God’s creations which in itself means I am beautiful, glorious even. I want to be real with everyone that’s why I’m saying this, so you know I don’t just have 100% confidence and no flaws. I am flawed, I’m not always confident but I am living and breathing and full of love so I have no reason to be down on myself. Same goes for all of you, whether you’re a mommy or not, if you’re alive you are nothing short of beautiful. #mycalvins P.S these bras are so good for breastfeeding

Een foto die is geplaatst door Haddas Ancliffe (@dahs) op


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